miercuri, 24 decembrie 2008

vineri, 19 decembrie 2008

miercuri, 17 decembrie 2008

marți, 16 decembrie 2008

Venetienii profita de inundatie:)

Chiar daca nivelul apei a crescut foarte mult in Venetia, se pare ca unii stiu sa profite din plin de situatia neobisnuita.

luni, 15 decembrie 2008

Maria Florencia Onori as The Virgin Mary

Un model nud care o imită pe Fecioara Maria a apărut pe coperta mexicană a revistei Playboy. Evenimentul s-a petrecut cu doar cîteva zile înaintea începerii unui festival mexican dedicat mamei lui Isus.

George Bush Shoe Attack! Genial!

miercuri, 10 decembrie 2008

miercuri, 3 decembrie 2008

Venice flood - Decembrie 2008

"Venice is completely paralyzed," said a local official of the extreme floods that crested December 1, 2008, according to the Times of London.

The Italian island city saw waters as deep as 5 feet (155 centimeters)--the fourth deepest since the city began keeping flood records in 1872. The record, however, still stands: A 1966 flood put Venice under 76 sloshing inches (194 centimeters) of the wet stuff.

Apparently these gondoliers didn't get the message. Shown breakfasting Monday, they exemplify the locals' rubber-booted fortitude in the face of floods, which occur several times a year.

Outside the Doge's Palace (right), Venice's Piazza San Marco is hidden by floodwaters nearly as high as cafe tables on December 1, 2008.

The floods couldn't deter these shoppers, who donned tall boots and perused a pastry shop in Venice on December 1, 2008.

A woman waits for a boat amid floodwaters in Venice, Italy, on December 1, 2008.

A woman crosses Venice's Piazza San Marco on an elevated walkway on December 2, 2008. The water had risen up to five feet (1.5 meters) high on Monday before beginning to recede on Tuesday.